P205B64 Volvo Code (2024)

As a Volvo owner, you may have encountered the P205B64 trouble code appearing on your vehicle's diagnostic system. While it may seem perplexing at first glance, understanding this code is essential for maintaining your car's performance and ensuring its longevity. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the meaning of the P205B64 Volvo code, its possible causes, and how to address it effectively.

What is the P205B64 Volvo Code?

The P205B64 code is specific to Volvo vehicles and indicates a fault related to the reductant tank temperature sensor circuit range or performance. This sensor plays a crucial role in monitoring the temperature of the reductant, also known as diesel exhaust fluid (DEF), which is used in vehicles equipped with selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx).

Understanding the Diagnostic System

Modern vehicles like Volvo employ sophisticated diagnostic systems that monitor various components and subsystems for abnormalities or malfunctions. When a fault is detected, the system generates a diagnostic trouble code (DTC), such as the P205B64 code, to indicate the nature of the issue.

Possible Causes of the P205B64 Code

Several factors can trigger the P205B64 Volvo code, including:

  1. Faulty Temperature Sensor: A malfunctioning reductant tank temperature sensor can inaccurately measure the temperature of the DEF, leading to the code's appearance.

  2. Wiring Issues: Damage to the wiring harness or poor electrical connections can disrupt the communication between the temperature sensor and the vehicle's onboard computer, resulting in the code being triggered.

  3. Defective SCR System: Problems with the selective catalytic reduction system, such as a faulty injector or pump, can indirectly affect the operation of the temperature sensor and cause the code to set.

  4. Low DEF Level: Insufficient DEF in the reductant tank can also lead to the P205B64 code, as the sensor may struggle to obtain accurate temperature readings.

Diagnosis and Resolution

To diagnose and resolve the P205B64 Volvo code effectively, it's essential to follow these steps:

  1. Check DEF Level: Start by verifying the DEF level in the reductant tank. If it's low, refill it with a quality DEF product recommended by Volvo.

  2. Inspect Wiring: Inspect the wiring harness connected to the temperature sensor for any signs of damage or corrosion. Repair or replace any faulty wiring as necessary.

  3. Test Temperature Sensor: Use a multimeter to test the resistance of the temperature sensor at various temperatures. Compare the readings to the manufacturer's specifications to determine if the sensor is functioning correctly.

  4. Scan for Additional Fault Codes: Perform a comprehensive scan of the vehicle's diagnostic system to check for any additional fault codes that may provide clues to underlying issues.

  5. Address SCR System Problems: If the P205B64 code persists after addressing the above issues, consider inspecting and servicing the SCR system components, such as the injector, pump, and catalyst.


The P205B64 Volvo code may initially seem daunting, but with a clear understanding of its meaning and potential causes, you can effectively diagnose and resolve the issue to ensure your vehicle operates at its best. By following the steps outlined in this guide and addressing any underlying issues promptly, you can maintain your Volvo's performance and reliability for years to come.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What does the P205B64 Volvo code mean? The P205B64 code indicates a fault related to the reductant tank temperature sensor circuit range or performance in Volvo vehicles.

2. How do I check the DEF level in my Volvo reductant tank? Most Volvo vehicles are equipped with a DEF level indicator on the dashboard. Alternatively, you can consult your owner's manual for instructions on checking the DEF level manually.

3. Can I continue driving my Volvo with the P205B64 code? While it may be possible to drive your Volvo with the P205B64 code present, it's not advisable, as it may lead to increased emissions and potential damage to the vehicle's SCR system.

4. How much does it cost to repair the P205B64 Volvo code? The cost of repairing the P205B64 code can vary depending on the underlying cause and the extent of the necessary repairs. It's best to consult with a qualified technician for an accurate diagnosis and cost estimate.

5. Can I reset the P205B64 code myself? While it's possible to clear the P205B64 code using an OBD-II scanner, simply resetting the code without addressing the underlying issue is not recommended, as it may lead to continued problems with your Volvo's emissions system.

P205B64 Volvo Code (2024)
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